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The Artist

Meet The Artist

Starting Out

I can’t remember a time in my life when I wasn’t drawing and imagining how magically form and color worked together as a form of expression.  I’ve been expressing myself by sketching and translating my imaginings and concepts into art that I could share with others.  Drawing and painting have been an enjoyable constant in my life.

St. Louis Cityscape


The body of work by the artist Rembrandt is a source of inspiration and direction. His work spoke to me - his style, his attention to detail and the fact that he is one of the greatest draftsman the world has ever seen. To this day after a lifetime of study, I am still inspired by his work.

Continuing Education

As I delved deeper into painting I realized I would need to expand on  what came naturally to me.  I studied to learn the correct method for mixing color and creating a composition.  Through extensive research and college level instruction I continue to develop and hone my skills.  I realize the only way to perfect my craft is to do the work.

I am selective in choosing what I have to say and how I want to say it through my art.  My art reflects subjects that matter to me including the political landscape and what’s happening in our country.  I am a Black man in America and am not immune to all the experiences that entails. My work illustrates those experiences.   I hope my audience is elevated and inspired by my work.

My Philosophy

Self portrait

Self Portrait

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